

Sunday 25 January 2015

25th Jan 2015 - Stage 4, Sonning Loop

I think the first thing to explain is why there has been such a lag between Stage 3 and 4, over 2 months to be exact. Shortly after stage 3 I was away on a work trip and that stopped any further stages during November. Not to worry I thought, I am off for a couple of weeks over Christmas and can use that to get some more stages done. Oh no, not to be, in early in December I was ill and it turned out I had developed pneumonia. It was a horrid thing to have and I realise from talking to others who have been ill with it (or had family suffer it) I was fortunate with a quick recovery. I have felt ok to run and exercise since late December/Early January and I am now fully back into the swing of normal run/exercise routine but this is the first time I have felt strong enough for a solo pram run. That said, judging by the stats below, I obviously have some strength work to do to get back to pre pneumonia pace and distance as well of the added challenge of fitting in 17 stages by July. Easy.. surely?

General Info
Sonning is a beautiful small village along the Thames path and there is a multitude of sites to choose from to find out more information. Starting at Sonning you can run right towards Shiplake and Henley or left towards Reading, either way provides beautiful river paths. The path towards Henley, which I have run solo is a lovely route but not ideal for my pram, especially after rain and cold and so this time, left it was. 
Being such a picturesque village, with a beautiful church, famous restaurants and of course the Mill at Sonning, there are a multitude of sites with info about walks around it and below are just a couple that cover some of the route I did for this stage. (Those who have run Reading parkrun will also be familiar with some of this route as it makes up part of the 5K loop.)

I  parked along Sonning Lane, this is free but be warned it is very popular starting point with lots of walkers and runners and on a Sunday morning it is also used by church goers. So get there early or towards the end of the day.

Run Stats

Just the two of us on this run and what can I say about these stats. it was muddy? Cold? I am a wimp ;).

Overall Experience
It was a very chilly and over cast morning and added to that a very stop start run, Scarlett was unsettled and although wrapped up well found the cold annoying at first. Then on the return leg she wanted to sleep but being wrapped up well got in the way of getting comfy for a snooze. As a result we never really found our stride and I called it sooner than I had planned. 
We parked up and in the process of getting the pram together and Scarlett loaded, we met a nice couple who asked if I had raced with Scarlett yet, which I never have to date. We got talking about parkrun and I explained that the Reading route has a long grassy stretch that would be too much for the pram I have. They recommended I gave Woodley a go which only has a short grass stretch and is frequented by quite a few pram runners, look out Woodley we may be visiting soon. :) 

Timings meant we arrived at the same time as the church service about to start, so we listened to the bells whilst walking through the churchyard before joining the Thames path and running towards Reading. It's a wide path, with a Loch almost immediately on the right and for the most it is compounded gravel though today it was very muddy in places after the on and off rain during the week and at these points an effort to get the pram through. After about a km the path turns to  grass as it continues to follow the river. Just before it does (about 5 metres before) there is a path on the left that goes through the trees running parallel with the river on your right and Thames Valley park on the left. It brings you out on the cycle path running along the Thames Valley Park Drive and after a few hundred metres you reach Thames Valley Rowing Club where I skidded back down to the river path, (need to get the pram brakes checked, they are not working!). We had a quick stop to feed the ducks/geese and swans before continuing to along until the start of the Kennet and Avon Canal.  This was the turn around point, we followed the path back for a while but rather that a full out and back I chose to go through Thames Valley park and pick up the path a long the A4 from Shepherds House Lane. Now this is not as pretty as way out and there is a bit of an incline till you get to the roundabout with M&S on. Once past that though, it is a nice fast and steady path turning left onto Sonning Lane and downhill back to the car. Now it may have only been a few hundred metres of downhill but after that run  it was very welcome. Even Scarlett perked up shouting, we did it well done!

Sonning Loch

Feeding the birds

Turn around

  • Lovely route, wide paths and free parking
  • When dry the paths are ideal for a fast PB type run.
  • Paths can get muddy and sticky after a while
  • This particular route has no play area/coffee shop to celebrate a successful run. 
Would I do it again? Yes, it's local to me and ideal for a get out, run and get home type of session, may choose slightly warmer weather though.